Thursday, September 12, 2013

BECK Farms Field Trip

BECK Farms

BECK Farms is run by Shelley and Rod Bradshaw, along with their two sons, Kurt and Brent. The farm was established in 1986, and is a member of Innisfail Growers.

Innisfail Growers is a co-op growing group composed of five families, who bring their Alberta grown produce to farmers markets throughout central Alberta. There are over twenty farmers markets a week that produce from Innisfail Growers is sold at!

Too seed these beautiful rows Shelley and Rod use a Power Harrow seeder. Adjusting the rate at which seeds are dropped, determines the size of carrot that will grow. For example, a higher rate of seeding yields smaller carrots, and a slower rate yields larger carrots. As you see above they also use a machine to pull the carrots. This guy is super cool! He grabs the tops of the carrots, breaks up the earth below the carrots, and pulls them out. After that the tops get cut off and dropped back onto the field, and the carrots get moved into a bin. However,  the fields at BECk farms, are not always this green. In the winter months they sell pickled carrots, jellies and mustards. 

But before these tasty carrots can be pickled they must be washed, sorted, and processed.

When that is complete some carrots go to market, some get pickled and some get stored.

And Some get eaten before they even have a chance!

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